How Easy Does Golf Look
particularly if they are watching the world's best players competing on professional circuits where 300 yard drives, iron shots than hit a green and spin backwards and holing 40 foot putts are all in a day's work.
So then, how hard can it really be to hit a small white ball down a wide-open fairway, lob it onto a green and roll it into a hole which is considerably larger than what the ball is? After all, there are no opposition players standing in your way, no one trying to distract you or take your legs out from under you, and golf has seen huge improvements in equipment technology - designed to make the game easier, so surely it must be a piece of cake to master?
These thoughts are understandable when observing the elite playing, but every golfer, especially those new to the game, knows that reality is quite different. Many people who have been able to play any sport they turn their hand to, have struggled with golf. The most individual of all sports can also be the most frustrating. Even the best players can have the round of their lives one day and the next time they play feel like the world is against them.
But there are reasons we keep coming back to the game. Even if only one round out of five is somewhere around our expected playing standards, the positives of playing with good friends and hitting just one great shot in a round is enough to bring us back week after week. All the money spent on green fees, equipment and lessons is made to seem worthwhile when we hand in a good scorecard and sit back for a drink and a laugh as we compare rounds with our golf buddies.
The same can go when arranging a golf holiday. From the outside, it can seem as though putting together a package should be straight forward. However, separating a good golf holiday from a truly memorable one comes down to experience. International Golf Specialists have more than 40 years of experience in the travel industry and a passion for golf which sees them combining the best golf and accommodation options for all their guests. Add in their local knowledge of each destination, and they can make recommendations for the best activities for you and your group to enjoy when the day’s golf is done.
Based in Perth, Western Australia, International Golf Specialists offer a personal touch to all their golf tours. As well as offering pre-packaged holidays to exciting destinations throughout Australasia and Southern Africa, IGS can design your perfect golfing holiday to your dream destination. There are also regular hosted tours including Vietnam, Thailand and our Tasmania tours which treat our guests to the world renowned Barnbougle Dune and Lost Farm. Hosted tours are a great way to join up with other golf fanatics from all around Australia on the adventure of a lifetime.
To begin putting together a great golfing experience, talk to the guys at International Golf Specialists today.